

Time for a break from all that blurry “immanent city” stuff. Here’s a flower.

It was shot with my Polaroid SX-70 fitted with the Mint closeup lens and loaded with the new Impossible B&W Gen 2.00 film. This develops much more quickly than the earlier Impossible B&W film (it’s certainly now worthy of the description “instant film”) and seems to give slightly crisper results. It’s very contrasty… in fact it’s perhaps too contrasty and I’ve had a number of shots where the shadows simply go to black. I do wonder if it’s lost some of the tonal range, but I’m still in the process of learning its characteristics so I’ll reserve judgement.

Lighting was from an intense shaft of evening sunlight coming through the window. The SX-70 was on a tripod and was triggered via cable-release.

ghost coast

ghost coast

This is one of the more spectacular chemistry failures I’ve had with Impossible Film for the SX-70.

I’m hoping for many more unpredictable results.

As a point of interest, if we compare it with this shot of the same location taken with a Ricoh GR, I think it’s apparent that the Ricoh is capable of capturing somewhat more detail 🙂